Getting Separate from Energies

One of the most important skills I’ve needed to develop in my healing work is getting separate from energies.

What does that mean?

It means discerning energies in the room in such a way that I don’t get lost or enmeshed in them, or mistake them for my own feelings. I think this is a very important skill for people in healing professions who are highly sensitive/empathic… which I actually think is way more people than just those who self-identify that way.

Here are examples of how this can play out between healer and client. Each example includes:

  • the good version, where the healer stays separate

  • the bad version, where the healer gets lost in the energy without realizing

In my experience, this ability to stay separate from my client’s energy involves developing and deepening my personal relationship with various energies — getting to know their signatures, and working out the various places in me where they’re stuck… where I’m so identified with them that I don’t notice them. While I personally love mapping energy signatures, the specific classification is less important than the ability to not get lost in it.

This is a big task! It means always striving to dig deeper and work through my own “stuff,” so I can be a clear channel for those I support. Not in some kind of neurotic, self-hating, obsessive way. But as an act of continuous devotion to my craft, my clients, and myself.

The practitioner I drew here is a massage therapist, but theoretically this would apply across healing and helping professions — energy workers, therapists, bodyworkers, medical professionals, astrologers, death workers, yoga instructors... I intentionally use the term very broadly. These are all spaces where there is a level of energetic and emotional intimacy present (ideally), and it’s important to approach that with discernment and care.

Okay, fine, I’ll be honest. I’m not just talking about healers! Or I am, in the sense that we are all healers — doing energy work with each other all the time.

This post came from an Instagram post of mine during Inktober.


Caretaking Energy


Ode to Joni