Modeling Energies

One of my favorite moves to do in my 1:1 energy work is to let a specific energy course through my whole body/field, so that the client can get to know and understand that energy just by being in connection with me.

Here are some examples of energies that I model for people:

One of the reasons I started doing this is because of what happened the first time I tried planetary prayer — praying to Mars.

I sat down at a picnic bench, with my red shirt on, sipping my ginger tea, and asked Mars to come hang out with me.

I proceeded to get blasted by Mars energy. It was like he showed up and plopped down across from me.

And instantly, thanks to touching this energy, I started making all kinds of connections —

  • I could sense how much both anger and action are inextricably woven into that energy

  • I felt afraid of it

  • I could sense that I was attracted to the energy, and also felt submissive to it — like it was the leader and I was the follower and that was the natural order of things

  • A lot of pain flared up in various tissues in my legs — a shutting down in response to this potent active energy, which landed as abusive and domineering. So there was simultaneously a shutting down / resistance, and an attraction.

  • This energy felt like a distinct being separate from me. Once I started connecting with other planets, like Mercury and Venus, I noticed how much their energies felt like parts of me that I recognized. The feeling with Mars was that this aspect of myself was pretty shut down, to the point that it felt like a separate being.

  • Once I fully felt the fear, followed by the attraction, I could step into more of a melding with the energy. I could try out the feeling of embodying it, and stepping into action rather than collapsing. I could suddenly feel the wild potential and possibility of me stepping into this energy in my life… collaborating with Mars.

And I realized that what Mars did for me is a big part of what I’m doing for others.

  • Helping people connect with what they’re really feeling, in a granular and detailed way

  • Helping them connect with the energy / action that they want to embody and express

  • Helping them find the subtle moves to flow through this embodied process

Importantly, this energy modeling all happens in an embodied, felt-sense way, rather than layering another external idea or concept on top of what the body actually wants to do. I call myself an “energy” person sometimes, by which I mean that I’m very felt-sense-driven. The way I notice, make sense of, and later remember, things is by feeling them, not by taking in description. Stuff has to resonate all the way through my body and being to land as true. While this might not be the case for everyone, it’s probably the case for the people I work best with in my energy work. So I like finding ways to get people directly touching certain energies, rather than understanding conceptual frameworks. This approach is all experiential.

Also, dosage matters. Part of what was so informative for me in the Mars prayer container was how big the dosage of Mars energy was. It adds so much power to the system we’re co-creating. My relevant feelings are all amplified, which makes it way easier to observe and gather insight. Mars’s presence ratcheted up the volume on these bits of me that were fearful, submissive, in pain, and wanting to step into power instead of collapse. Isn’t it interesting? How the simple presence of another can allow us to feel ourselves more deeply. That’s also what I’m doing with my clients — adding a large dose of energy to the joint system we’re in, so they can learn by feeling, with the volume turned up enough to actually be able to feel what would otherwise be missed.

Here’s another articulation of this phenomenon, specifically about modeling discernment. It’s from a conversation (timestamped to the relevant portion) between Bree Greenberg and Dare Sohei on the underworldparty podcast:

Bree: “I think discernment is always there. The detector for what is true and what is real is never offline, but it doesn’t mean that it’s always available to you. So I think there’s a way to help people attune to discernment, and I think the way you do that most potently is you hold a field of very clear discernment. And I think there’s a way where our fields inform other fields much faster than any other kind of transmission.”

Dare: “Yeah, modeling. I call that modeling. You need a model. And then it’s like, oh, that’s the note? Okay, I’ll hit that note.”


You can hear more about my Mars prayer experience on the Reach Truth podcast.


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