Upcoming Events

  • Virtual Death Cafe

    We all need safe, supportive spaces to reflect honestly on death. Bring a beverage to sip on, and whatever’s on your heart, body, and mind related to death. Not a grief support group, but a space for informal conversation. This Death Cafe is free to attend and happens on the first (or occasionally second) Monday of every month. No need to register in advance; the Zoom link will be posted at the link below on the morning of the event.

    Monday, March 3, time TBD, over Zoom

    Cost: Free

“...she created a powerful container for attendees to explore and listen to our bodies.

Jane hosted a guest workshop during the live cohort of Intuitive Fitness and it was incredibly well received. She combined guided touch exercises, body-based meditation, and student discussion to create a powerful container for attendees to explore and listen to our bodies. Jane not only provided tangible techniques but also gave students the felt experience and confidence to continue to engage in these practices on their own.

— Sam Sager

Past Events

  • Listening Touch: A Self-Touch Workshop

    I love empowering people to be their own touch therapists! Learn how to listen with your touch and discover simple self-touch techniques to incorporate into your practice.

  • Death Stroll

    Share what’s on your mind and body on the topic of death. Guide one another on death-themed imaginal journeys.

  • Movement and Stillness Retreat

    Corey Hess leads us in an exploration of the practices of Zhan Zhuang and Qigong.

Have an idea for an event you’d like to see or collaborate on?